Saturday, May 9, 2020

The first times ever..


The first eye that dawned love
The first time hearing joyous cries
The first touch on the skin evolved

The first anger poured
Which made you extremely lost
The first soothing words heard
Making the worries an worthy past

The first words of care
That made you play fair
The first warmth in the world
That freed you of the reprimand

The first air that blew
That made you realise life’s worth
The first cry of someone you knew
To keep them nearer in all birth

The first flower you smelled
The first fruit you reaped
The first touch of dry leaves
And the twigs that branch leaves

The first song you sung
The first time your legs tossed
The first move you swayed
To hit the bells those were not rung

The first idol you prayed
The first time you enlivened
The first day of hope gleamed
The first faith that peeped

The first lesson you paid attention
The first friend you earned
The first time you felt happy
The first moment you gripped monotony

The first chocolate you tasted
The first food that felt wholly spiced
The first drink that froze the throat
The first fluid that fired it to rot

The first fall in your lives
The first rooting moment
The first fineness that arouse
The way you perceived

The last time
You tried something for first time
Time spent so productive
The time of you being creative
The time that you got out
To win the war you fought

Remember it all
Just one after the other
It says you are in the fall
Of right place, fonder
Than any other to be spending
The time forever revolving..

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